Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping Information

What shipping methods are available?

Customer satisfaction has always been our top priority. Our primary goal is to ensure that customer shipments are delivered safely and within the stipulated time. Our team closely monitors all parcels from dispatch to successful delivery to customers. We hope to build trust and put smiles on our customers' faces with every order delivered.

Do you ship internationally?

enabling us to deliver a variety of affordable products to customers around the world. From our global offices, we reach customers in more than 150 countries

How might I obtain an estimated date of delivery?

Usually, we need about 4-8 working days to process the order. Processing may take up to 14 days (about 2 weeks) We will ship the order after processing it and send you a text message or email after shipment. We hope you like our products and thank you for your constant trust

Can I split my order to ship to different locations?

Yes, we can deliver your order to various locations. Please contact us

Payment Information

What payments methods are available?

We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and bank transfer

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